
Do you offer express services?

Our saas survey product, Survey4Bizz, offers express services to help businesses get quick and accurate results from their surveys. With our advanced scoring system and reporting statistics, businesses can efficiently gather and analyze data to make informed decisions. Our express services ensure that time-sensitive surveys are completed and reported in a timely manner, allowing businesses to stay ahead of their competition.

How can I get this product?

Currently we don't give automatic access to our survey product. We like to guide our customers in the process of ordering the product. This guidance will give a clear understanding on the available options.

So if you are interested in our product, don't hesitate to contact us.

Basic plan

Give you the possibility to:

  • Provide a survey to will be created for you
  • Provide e-mail addresses to distribute survey to
  • Secure setup

White label

The white label option provides you with additional features:

  • Exclusive environment
  • More secure setup
  • Own logo
  • Own color scheme
  • Create your own surveys